Psychism and Our Contemporaries

Psychism and Our Contemporaries

By M. Gabriel Trarieux

M. Gabriel Trarieux presents a reflection on psychism and its role in modern society. He analyzes several works, including Heretics by Chesterton, which explores the resistance of rationalism to the mysteries of the invisible.He highlights the difficulty of reconciling science and spirituality in our time and emphasizes that, despite the dominance of materialism, psychic phenomena remain a reality that continues to intrigue researchers and thinkers.

Science and Psychism: An Illusory Barrier?

In the past, electricity was perceived as a mysterious force before being mastered by science. Trarieux questions whether manifestations from the Beyond might follow a similar path—one day, could we understand these phenomena with the same precision as we now understand physics?He cites Leadbeater and Annie Besant, prominent figures in theosophy, who explored the study of invisible forces and reincarnation. He acknowledges that these subjects are controversial but insists on the importance of not dismissing what is not yet explained.

Thought and Its Power

Trarieux also discusses the possibility that thought may have a real influence on matter and health, particularly through mental healing and communication with unseen worlds. He highlights the work of various mediums and researchers who have delved into these still poorly understood abilities.

A Call for a Shift in Mindset

He concludes by advocating for a shift in mentality, where spirituality is no longer seen as mere superstition but as a complementary path to science in the exploration of the unknown.

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